Enjoy Our Happy Melody

Joyce L.
Sacramento, CA
Came for Xeomin Consultation after hearing good reviews from friends and left a happy camper!
Dr. Perlman wasn't pushy about the injections. I started with just 20 units for my frown lines and above my brows. Recommended to come in every 4 months if I like it and can add a little more if I want.
Did some research before I came and decided I would rather have an MD w/more experience do my injections than a nurse. Glad I chose Dr. Perlman it was quick and painless (kinda like a prick?). Afterwards, theres a little swelling; it went down pretty quickly for me, but everyone is a little different.
I'm already super excited about my next appointment.
Plus, a shout out to Jaimie thanks for helping me r/s my appointments and Mandy for being such a sweet tech!

Olga S.
Davis, CA
Perlman Center for Eye and Eyelid Surgery is an excellent establishment.
I've never had an eye exam myself, but had to take my both parents to different ophthalmologists before many times and this was the best experience by far!
Check in was very quick and receptionist was friendly and professional.
What impressed me the most was how quickly I was called to the examination room.
Dr.Perlman came in shortly after technician left and he was very knowledgeable and nice.
After my examination I talked to optical and even though I didn't get glasses at the time, I will definitely buy it there in the future.
This was the best and the shortest ophthalmologist appointment ever, they are right on time.
I highly recommend Perlman Center for Eye and Eyelid Surgery.

Fred E. M.
Woodland, CA
Went today to get my eye prescription. Loved the way they follow covid safety protocols. I felt everything was cleaned and sanitized. The staff was very professional and explained everything throughly. I definitely reccomend this place to anyone who is looking for glasses or an eye check up.

Roy K
Albany, CA
Dr Perlman operated on both my cataracts and
I had excellent results
He and his staff were fabulous
I would recommend his office for your eye care
I live in Davis and care was well worth the short drive

Todd S.
Fairfield, CA
I had my surgery with Dr Perlman on 9/10/2019. If you are on the fence about getting this procedure done I can tell you that it's almost painless . If I had it to do all over again I WOULD definitely do it. Dr Perlman and his team sure made me feel like I was in good hands. Thanks so much Dr Perlman.

Lori P.
Davis, CA
My whole family (husband and two kids) all see Dr. Perlman. He is awesome, friendly, knowledgeable, and professional. The staff is fast and efficient and they have a great inventory of glasses. Highly recommend.

Ramsey T
Woodland, CA
My provider allows me a free pair of lenses every year so I take well advantage of that, from my 3 years of experience I have not had a bad experience. by far very professional kind and very prompt on receiving my new lenses best in town I am always referring people here. Making my son a apt for his first pair of lenses on Monday.

Sue F.
Vacaville, CA
I am SO incredibly impressed with Dr. Perlman and his staff! Recently had blepharoplasty done on upper and lower lids and the entire process was perfect. The professionalism and care that was given was second to none and the results are superb!! Would HIGHLY recommend them to anyone and as a healthcare professional myself I am more than a bit particular about both who I will see and additionally who I will send my patients to. Totally 5 star experience ;)

Bob M.
Davis, CA
Dr. Perlman has a great reputation for doing charity work in Mexico, and he shows equal compassion right here in Yolo County. He is skilled, efficient, and trustworthy. I'm saddened to see that Yelp has chosen to "not recommend" so many of the 5-star reviews, because they illustrate the excellent care that Dr. Perlman brings to the greater Woodland region. Strongly recommended!!

Wayne W.
Elk Grove, CA
I recently had blepharoplasty done on both my upper and lower lids and I am impressed with Dr. Pearlman and his staff. The entire process was stress free and was completed with perfection. Because of their professional approach to patient care and the excellent results, I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Perlman and his staff. Excellent service, professional integrity and patient care.
Cuando el médico se convierte en paciente
by Patricia Sierra, MD
Nuestros ojos son una característica expresiva y las personas lo notan primero. A medida que la piel alrededor de los ojos envejece, aparecen un exceso de pliegues en los párpados superiores e inferiores haciéndonos parecer más viejos y cansados. Es algo de lo que hablo con los pacientes todo el tiempo. ¡Fue algo diferente experimentar este problema de envejecimiento yo mismo!
Hace aproximadamente 3 años, me di cuenta del exceso de piel en mis párpados superiores. Como oftalmólogo, sabía que la cirugía de párpados podía corregir este problema y restaurar una apariencia más juvenil y descansada. Estaba algo ansiosa por someterme a un procedimiento que no era "médicamente necesario", así que seguí postergando esta alternativa y pensando "quizás el próximo año".
El verano pasado, mientras me maquillaba los ojos, noté que el delineador y el rímel se manchaban con frecuencia sobre este exceso del párpado superior.
doblar. Sabía que este problema solo empeoraría con el tiempo, así que consulté al Dr. Perlman, nuestro especialista en oculoplástica, acerca de mis inquietudes. Él dijo: "Patty, podemos arreglar eso fácilmente". He tenido la suerte de trabajar de cerca con él y observar sus excelentes resultados, por lo que me sentí muy cómodo con él para realizar mi cirugía.
En diciembre pasado, me sometí a una blefaroplastia bilateral del párpado superior. La cirugía se realizó como un procedimiento en el consultorio bajo anestesia local . Tuve una leve hinchazón alrededor de los ojos, que duró entre 3 y 5 días. No tuve dolor durante o después del procedimiento y volví a trabajar en una semana.
Una amiga mía me llamó recientemente para pedirme consejo, ya que estaba contemplando someterse a una cirugía de blefaroplastia en Nueva York. Le conté a sobre mi experiencia y lo satisfecho que estaba con los resultados. "Solo hay una cosa de la que me arrepiento", dije. "¡Debería haberlo hecho hace tres años!"