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What is cosmetic eyelid surgery?
Also known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. It gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more youthful, rested and alert.
An improvement in your eyelids and eyes can greatly enhance your overall appearance. The aging process and genetics can cause the skin of the upper eyelid to become fuller, and it can also cause bagginess to develop inside of the inner halves of the upper eyelids and underneath the lower lids. This bagginess can also interfere with vision. Fortunately, these problems can be corrected with a procedure called a blepharoplasty. A blepharoplasty can be done to improve both visual function and cosmetic appearance. Correction of overhanging skin folds will improve the function of the upper eyelid and peripheral vision. Even if vision is not affected, blepharoplasty may be performed to improve a sagging, tired appearance.
You are considered a good candidate for blepharoplasty if you have any of the following concerns:
Excess skin that hides the natural fold of your upper lids.
Bags of the lower eyelids
Excess skin and wrinkles in your lower eyelids
Loose skin hanging around your upper eyelids
Every year, hundreds of thousands of men and women choose blepharoplasty to improve the way they look. Droopy eyelids can make you look older and can also impair vision. Blepharoplasty corrects these problems and also removes puffiness and bags under the eyes that make you look tired and old.
Upper Lid Blepharoplasty
The skin below the eyebrow sags, causing a loss in the definition of the eyelid and a tired look.
After the removal of the excess tissue, eyelids regain their definition, resulting in a younger, more energetic look.

Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

The image below shows the most common incision sites for both upper and lower lid blepharoplasty

If you are interested in cosmetic eyelid surgery, then contact us directly to discuss your treatment options and to address any questions you may have. Dr. Perlman will be able to answer any and all questions you have about blepharoplasty.
When Doctor Becomes Patient
by Patricia Sierra, M.D.
Our eyes are an expressive feature and one people notice first. As the skin around the eyes ages, excess folds appear in the upper and
lower lids making us look older and more tired. It's something I speak to patients about all the time. It was something different to experience this aging problem myself!
About 3 Years ago, I became aware of the excess skin on my upper lids. As an ophthalmologist, I knew eyelid surgery could rectify this
problem and restore a more youthful, rested look. I was somewhat anxious to undergo a procedure that was not "medically necessary" so I kept delaying this alternative and thinking "maybe next year".
Last summer, while applying eye makeup, I noticed how the eyeliner and mascara would frequently smear over this upper eyelid excess
fold. I knew this problem would only worsen over time so I consulted Dr. Perlman, our oculoplastics specialist about my concerns. He said, "Patty, we can easily fix that." I have been fortunate to work closely with him and observe his excellent outcomes, so I was very comfortable having him perform my surgery.
Last December, I underwent bilateral upper eyelid blepharoplasty. The surgery was performed as an in office procedure under local
anesthesia. I had some mild swelling around the eyes, which lasted about 3–5 days. I had no pain during or after the procedure and was back to work in one week.
A friend of mine recently called me to ask me for advice as she was contemplating having blepharoplasty surgery in New York. I told
her about my experience and how satisfied I was with the results. "There is only one thing I regret", I said. "I should've done it three years ago!"