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Cataract Surgery
What Are Cataracts?
A cataract is the gradual clouding of the natural lens inside the eye that can impair vision. More than half of all Americans age 65 and older have cataracts in their eyes.
Cataracts occur when there is a buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy. This prevents light from passing through a normally clear lens, causing some or in severe cases, complete loss of vision.
The Chance You will Develop Cataracts
50% of Americans ages 65+ have some clouding in their eyes.
70% of Americans ages 75+ have cataracts that impair their vision.
Possible symptoms of a maturing cataract
Blurred vision
Difficulty seeing at night
Colors appear faded or yellowish
Double vision
Frequent changes in prescription
Halos or glare from sunlight, headlights or lamps
Need for brighter reading light

Treatment for Cataracts
A series of tests will be performed. An eye exam will be given to test how well you can see. Bring your glasses to your visit and a current list of any medications that you are taking. Our eye doctor will dilate your pupils in order to examine the condition of the lens and other parts of the eye.
If you suffer from vision loss that impairs your activities of daily life, you may be a candidate for cataract surgery, which involves removing the clouded lens and replacing it with a clear implant made of an acrylic material, silicone, or PMMA.

Despite claims by the manufacturer of Similasin eyedrops, there is no effective non-surgical treatments for cataracts.Even if your natural lens is replaced with an intraocular lens, you probably will need a new eyeglass prescription. Ask us about specialized lens implant options; in most cases these premium lenses will eliminate the need for glasses (for distance or near) following the surgery. Cataract surgery is usually done as an outpatient basis in an operating room under local / topical anesthesia (eyedrops). We will usually schedule one eye at a time; the eye with the worst vision will typically go first.
Vision is usually improved within a few days after cataract surgery.
Most of our cataract surgery is done with a "dropless technique" where medication is used at the time of cataract surgery which obviates the need to use costly eyedrops that are often difficult for our patients to administer.
New glasses are prescribed, if needed, several weeks after cataract surgery.
Specialized lens implants
That correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia
• To Lean More About the Alcon PanOptix Intraocular Lens Click Here
• To Learn More About Alcon Vivity Presbyopia-Correcting Extended Vision Click Here
• To Learn More About the Toric Intraocular Lens Click Here.
• For Financing Options Ask Us About Care Credit or Click Here.